This is 54
I wanted to thank so many of you for reaching out with the birthday love, whether here or via text, WhatsApp, email, phone call, and/or personal appearance. I am a lucky woman to be so loved, and it will never be something I take for granted.
At 54, I’ve reached the me I am so proud of. I’ve hardened a bit, but not enough to be jaded, or angry, or wary. I’ve learned how to suss out fact from fiction in terms of the people I allow into my fold, and I’m happy with my choices. I’ve had too much fake, so I’m all about the real now. Surrounding myself with real suits me down to a science! I laugh more than I ever have. I was always the jokester, but it was never for me. I played a part to get attention based on my humour, but I was rarely laughing along. I smile and I laugh for me now, and both are the most genuine they have ever been. I’m healthy. Gone are the days of worrying about ailments and high levels of things I should have been far more focused on. Now my days are spent in active participation; no longer a bystander simply watching the world pass me by far too quickly. I am loved, and I love. I am respected, and I respect. I am valued, and I value. I am peace for people, and they are mine.
I venture into 54 with my head held high and a resolve to do more for the world around me. I will write that book. I will smile all the smiles. I will laugh all the laughs. I will love all the love. I will dance all the dances. I will put my best foot forward in my professional and personal endeavors. I will live this happy life of mine, while always wishing the same for each of you. And I will remain conscious that my life can change without any notice, so I’ll appreciate every delicious second. It took me too long to accept that life truly is what we make it - that the onus is on each of us, as the world owes us absolutely nothing at all. My birthday wish to you all is that you take life by the cojones and you own it! It honestly is the most beautiful thing. You just have to look. And when you find it - like truly, truly find it - it’s yours!