Meet Charlotte

“Todo acto de creacion, es un acto de amor.”

I’m Charlotte, a professional writer and journalist originally from Ipswich, England. I moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where I spent many wonderful years before taking the plunge toward a new life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 2021. And I did it with very little money and absolutely no plan at all.

The opportunities this move afforded me in terms of exploring the country, embracing the culture, and delving right into the thick of navigating day-to-day life, are incredible, but my life is not without its challenges. Picking up sticks ain’t always easy, but looking on the funny side is. So, that’s what I try to do.

I travel, I face new adventures, I meet new people, I get into the occasional jam, and I do it all with the best smile on my face I can find. I don’t always get it right, but learning’s part of the fun. And finding things out about myself that I didn’t know existed within me has been pretty fabulous, too.

From navigating a different set of cultural attitudes (and the occasional bit of bureaucratic red tape) to sharing budget travel tips, and from showcasing the sights and flavors of the country I now call home to giving you a deeper understanding and appreciation of Mexico’s culture and traditions, and to just writing about any ol’ thing my heart desires (and all of it with a bit of that Charlotte humour), I invite you along for the ride. It’s taken me four years to begin my blog journey due to navigating a work/life writing balance, so I’ll be updating this page with some oldies but goodies every now and then. I sincerely hope you enjoy tagging along!

From Salsa to Serendipity - this is my life.